Monday, January 5, 2009

Life is a funny thing. It takes you on journeys and paths that may have never crossed your mind. It's similar to a rollercoaster. You have ups and downs, twists and turns, all fast and slow. Sometimes you feel excitement and other times it makes you ill. Life introduces you to many people and places. A handful of these people are known as your family. And as family, they are supposed to stick with you through all of these ups and downs, twists and turns. They will always love you. Another handful are what we call "friends". They come and go, fill your life with laughter and sadness, but pack your heart full of great memories. And then one day, sometimes in the oddest of places, you meet that one person. That one special person who you is going to make you happy for the rest of your life. You look at them and you can just see it in their face, in the way they look at you, their body language, the little butterflies that flitter in your stomach when they smile at you... it's infatuation kids. :)

But in all seriousness, you can feel the spark too. You question your life. Some ask, "How did I get so lucky?" or "How is she so blind?!" ... We may never know why life takes us on these little paths and journeys. But when life pairs two individuals like Kasey and Lucas, it's a bond that is full of love and compassion and is so incredibly strong that it will never break.

I remember when Kasey and I were kids. We'd play monopoly with our Grandma and we'd always end up writing a million I Owe You's because she wouldn't want us to lose the game. Or we'd stay up until 3 in the morning at the kitchen table playing War or listening to our CD players and talking about popular bands like *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys. Then we'd eat chocolate chip muffins and drink apple juice and say the most random things that we would laugh at until our stomachs and faces hurt from smiling so much. I can't even begin to tell you the inside jokes we have. We can say one word, or not even that, sometimes we just have to throw out some sign (not a gang sign guys!) and we can make the other laugh hysterically and no one else will ever know what we're talking about. Sure we appear weird and sometimes a little crazy, but who doesn't? Apparently Lucas doesn't know these things or else he wouldn't be here today! I'm just kidding. :) Lucas, I am so happy that you have made Kasey so happy. I still remember the night that you proposed to her. I got a phone call from her and the first thing she says to me is, "How are you?" and of course, I go off on my little tangent not even thinking of asking how she was doing. Once I finally did, she just answered so nonchalantly, "Oh I just got engaged." I remember screaming so loud and then asking "Why the heck did you not tell me when I first answered!?" Anyway, I knew from the start of her dating you, that it wasn't just your regular type of boyfriend. I knew you were the one for her. The way her face lit up every time she spoke of you. It was the real deal. And of the few times that I've seen you, haha, you're her other half. Cheers to you two. I wish you a life full of happiness. Stay strong to your faith, for God will always be there for you even in your hardships when you feel the weakest.

"Therefore I delight myself in harships, constraints, persecutions, and weaknesses for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

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